Friday, March 10, 2017


Hi girls.

These are the questions for the midtherm  oral exam.

We will start next class.

11th Grade Oral Midterm Exam

1.           Describe a situation that went like a dream.
2.           What would you do if you won the lottery?
3.           How often do you think about your future?
4.           What is your dream job? Why?
5.           Complete the sentence: If I study everyday,…
6.           What would you do if you had only 24 hours to live?
7.           What would you do if you were alone on an island?
8.           What will happen if you learn English?
9.           What countries do you want to visit?
10.        Pronounce these verbs:
·         Teach -Taught
·         Sell - Sold
·         Run - Ran
·         Know - Knew
·         Have - Had
·         See - Saw
·         Sing - Sang
·         Forget - Forgot
·         Find – found

·         Be – was/were

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